Looking for: more Davids

February 11, 2011

Is is it weird that I listened to Focus on the Family in the car today?… but it’s not just that. First off, I rarely if ever listen to talk radio. I’m the music girl. I prefer music. However the station I was on had 3 men talking from Focus on the Family. But they were talking about marriage.

I have asked God to show me goldy men. I have seen some amazing godly women and I am so blessed by them, but I feel like godly men are hard to find. I want to see men like that who are after God’s heart and be encouraged by that.

That is what these men were doing. And I don’t even know them.

Do you think I’m crazy?

A man after God’s own heart.

That’s what I’m looking for. And perhaps I found that in three 60 year old men that I have never met. But here them saying they want to love their wives like Christ loves the church, and sharing their struggles and their wives’ struggles, it is obvious that they are men after God’s own heart.

Are there more of them out there?